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Deluge word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "deluge", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Six characters, how to write "deluge" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for deluge
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Related words or terms

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
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Meaning and definition for "deluge" word

[noun] the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations"1
[noun] a heavy rain
[noun] an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"
[verb] fill or cover completely, usually with water
[verb] charge someone with too many tasks
[verb] fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
\Del"uge\, n. [F. d['e]luge, L. diluvium, fr. diluere wash away; di- = dis- + luere, equiv. to lavare to wash. See {Lave}, and cf. {Diluvium}.] 1. A washing away; an overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; a flood; specifically, The Deluge, the great flood in the days of Noah (--Gen. vii.). 2. Fig.: Anything which overwhelms, or causes great destruction. ``The deluge of summer.'' --Lowell. A fiery deluge fed With ever-burning sulphur unconsumed. --Milton. As I grub up some quaint old fragment of a [London] street, or a house, or a shop, or tomb or burial ground, which has still survived in the deluge. --F. Harrison. After me the deluge. (Apr['e]s moi le d['e]luge.) --Madame de Pompadour.
\Del"uge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deluged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Deluging}.] 1. To overflow with water; to inundate; to overwhelm. The deluged earth would useless grow. --Blackmore. 2. To overwhelm, as with a deluge; to cover; to overspread; to overpower; to submerge; to destroy; as, the northern nations deluged the Roman empire with their armies; the land is deluged with woe. At length corruption, like a general flood . . . Shall deluge all. --Pope.

Synonyms for deluge

alluvion, cloudburst, downpour, flood, flood, flood, flood out, inundate, inundate, inundation, inundation, overwhelm, pelter, soaker, submerge, swamp, torrent, torrent, waterspout

See also: batch | burden | charge | deal | debacle | fill | fill up | flash flood | flashflood | flock | flood | flood in | geological phenomenon | good deal | great deal | hatful | heap | lot | make full | mass | mess | mickle | mint | muckle | peck | pile | plenty | pot | quite a little | raft | rain | rainfall | saddle | sight | slew | spate | stack | tidy sum | wad | whole lot | whole slew |

Related terms: aspersion, avalanche, baptism, cluster, damping, drowning, embarras de richesses, flooding, host, irrigation, mob, more than enough, overplenty, overprofusion, plunge in water, sop, stream, superabundance, swamp, torrent, waterflood, wet

The fun area, different aproach to word »deluge«

Let's analyse "deluge" as pure text. This string has Six letters in Two syllables and Three vowels. 50% of vowels is 11.4% more then average English word. Written in backwards: EGULED. Average typing speed for these characters is 1725 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: -.. . .-.. ..- --. .


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: deluge: 5 + 3 + 5 = 13, reduced: 4 . and the final result is Four.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: deluge: 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 5 = 27, reduced: 9, and the final result is Nine.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
D (1) 4 Emperor Determined, Persistant, Idealist
E (2) 5 Hierophant Wise, Crafty, Daring, Inventive
G (1) 7 Chariot Strong, Sturdy, Decisive
L (1) 12 Hanged Man Leader, Teacher, Healer, Decisive
U (1) 21 World Gifted, Generous, Bountiful

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